Department of Education salary contribution scheme

Teachers and administrative staff from public schools in NSW and ACT have always personally supported Stewart House

Thanks to this kindness, over 150,000 vulnerable children have experienced the benefits of our program. A regular fortnightly donation provides our children with essential health screening, enhanced wellbeing, new relationship skills and hope for the future.

How does it work?

Workplace giving is a great way to make regular donations to Stewart House from your fortnightly pay. By signing up to the Stewart House Salary Contribution Scheme, you will be making a significant impact in the lives of thousands of children who really need your help. Your donations will reduce your taxable income; everybody wins! We provide a range of options to suit your circumstances below:

I am an NSW Department of Education employee and would like to sign-up to make a fortnightly donation to Stewart House

Please select from our range of quick and easy online forms below to get started.  For those preferring to ponder over the best option, a detailed PDF form is available for download and email to our office.

1.  I am a permanent NSW Department of Education employee and would like to deduct this donation from my fortnightly salary

Please complete the online form provided to the right of this page.

2.  I already contribute and wish to increase (or decrease, or cancel) my donation

Please complete the online form provided to the right of this page.

3.  I am a temporary/casual NSW Department of Education employee and would like my donation to be deducted from my Teachers Mutual Bank (TMB) account or by credit card

There are two easy options available to staff in this category, including arranging donations through our TMB Direct Debit online form. Alternatively, head on over to our Regular Giving online form.

4.  I am employed by another workplace and wish to sign-up to make a regular donation to Stewart House

More information on establishing regular Workplace Giving by those outside the Department of Education’s Salary Contribution Scheme is available here.

I am retiring and wish to continue my support

As you will no longer have the option to contribute via a payroll deduction, we hope you will consider continuing your support for Stewart House in your retirement by one of the following options:

  1. State Super Pension Deduction
  2. Teachers Mutual Bank
  3. Monthly deduction from your credit card

Please click here to access the Retirement Donations Form.

DET Salary Contribution Scheme Form

    Personal Details

    School Details

    Contribution Details

    New Contribution

    I would like to start making a fortnightly donation to Stewart House
    $5.00$10.00$15.00$20.00Other (please specify in 'New contribution amount':)
    New contribution amount:

    Change Current Contribution

    Cancel My Contribution

    CPI Increase